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Clear form errors

clearErrors: (name?: string | string[]) => void

This function can manually clear errors in the form.


undefinedRemove all errors.clearErrors()
stringRemove single error.clearErrors("yourDetails.firstName")
string[]Remove multiple errors.clearErrors(["yourDetails.lastName"])
  • undefined: reset all errors

  • string: reset the error on a single field or by key name.

    register('test.firstName', { required: true });
    register('test.lastName', { required: true });
    clearErrors('test'); // will clear both errors from test.firstName and test.lastName
    clearErrors('test.firstName'); // for clear single input error
  • string[]: reset errors on the given fields


  • This will not affect the validation rules attached to each inputs.

  • This method doesn't affect validation rules or isValid formState.


import * as React from "react";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";

export default function App() {
  const { register, formState: { errors }, handleSubmit, clearErrors } = useForm();
  const onSubmit = data => console.log(data);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
      <input {...register('firstName', { required: true })} />
      <input {...register('lastName', { required: true })} />
      <input {...register('username', { required: true })} />
      <button type="button" onClick={() => clearErrors("firstName")}>
        Clear First Name Errors
        onClick={() => clearErrors(["firstName", "lastName"])}
        Clear First and Last Name Errors
      <button type="button" onClick={() => clearErrors()}>
        Clear All Errors
      <input type="submit" />

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